1. Show Prep Client

    This is a post-show rebound before and after transformation.

    My client Justin wanted to utilize his post-show rebound to it’s fullest potential with my coaching and teamwork. The post-show rebound is the phase after a prolonged period of dieting. Due to previous restrictions, the body absorbs nutrients and puts on muscle faster. As his coach, I told him the importance of not trying to over indulge in food and instead slowly increasing food while decreasing cardio.

    We have worked together on managing his water retention to minimize bloating while roughly putting on 20+ pounds in the last five weeks. Justin’s strength has skyrocketed, and all of his lifts have improved significantly. As you can see, he is fuller and looking to go into a long off-season before he gets on stage again.

  2. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    No more bloating, stronger lifts, and much leaner – my lifestyle client is absolutely crushing her health and fitness journey! Working with me has helped her greatly improve her gut health and digestion and she’s just getting started! 

  3. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    This year we SMASHED our goals! 💪🏼 Not only has my lifestyle client dropped a significant amount of weight, she has created a healthy relationship with food, is stronger and more confident in her lifts, and is more motivated and energized than ever. This success was achieved without any extreme restrictions! 

  4. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    The transformation in just 1 year is amazing – she lost weight and put on muscle, gaining confidence, energy, and better health! If you’re ready to get healthy and in shape, the time is NOW – my coaching program offers the tools and support to make it happen. 

  5. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    From powerlifting to bodybuilding! 💪 Lee’s transformation is an incredible journey that proves that hard work and dedication can get you to your goals! Lee has now successfully transitioned from a weight of 237 to 223 during a body recomp phase. He is getting ready to prep for his first bodybuilding competition.
    I’m looking forward to seeing his final result come next year! 

  6. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    Working hard both in and out of the hospital, this nurse has seen incredible results with meal preparation and lifestyle guidance! Check out his body recomp transformation – proof that you can reach your health and fitness goals with the right plan and dedication. 

  7. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    Start 2020 off right! Through consistent check-ins and dedication to her online lifestyle plan, my client has achieved incredible success in only 10 weeks- losing nearly 20lbs in the process! She has seen improvements in energy, digestion, and self-confidence- all while still being able to enjoy her favorite foods. 

  8. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    Spotlighting my super star online client’s amazing 9-month journey. Not only has she transformed physically but she’s also built sustainable habits that will last a lifetime, all while juggling her full-time job. Change is possible! If you’re ready to reinvent yourself like she did, let me be your guide. I’m equipped to serve clients remotely and eager to help you on your journey. Let’s conquer your health and fitness goals together! 💪👊

  9. Lifestyle Client Transformation

    Spotlight on Success! Meet our superstar client who defied the odds by smashing fitness goals while juggling 16-hour workdays and family life! From shredding body fat to sculpting muscle and honing mind-muscle synergy, they embody dedication. 🎯 Overwhelmed by gym confusion or nutrition questions? Leave it to us.

  10. Juan

    Meet my dedicated client, Juan, as he embarked on his journey to conquer the bodybuilding stage for the very first time. With a solid foundation from his time in the Marines and years of training, he sought my guidance to prepare for this ultimate challenge. Through consistent weekly check-ins, we crafted this incredible total body transformation.

    Not only did Juan secure top-two placements in both of his shows this year, but he also showcased unwavering dedication and a relentless work ethic. He never uttered a single complaint, even when we had to make challenging diet and training adjustments. Balancing it all with a demanding full-time job and irregular hours was no easy feat. There were days with minimal sleep, and meals had to be meticulously prepared in advance.

    Juan meticulously followed the blueprint I designed and executed it flawlessly. His undeniable hard work has yielded remarkable results, and I’m eagerly anticipating the bright future that awaits him on this incredible journey!

  11. Ashton

    This is a spotlight post of a 6 week transformation working with Ashton! Ashton is one of my lifestyle and is considering competing later down the road. We have been working on doing a lean body recomp since starting up together. We developed a game plan and structured his meals around his day involving school and work! Since starting up together he has gotten visually leaner and stronger in all of his lifts! He managed to see significant results all from just following the plan and putting in the work! We kept cardio at a minimal amount and have been prioritizing his strength training! I’m looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish going forward! Get the most out of your time in the gym and optimize your day by having a structured routine for your goals!

  12. Armando

    “Working with Lucas has been great I was able to transform my whole body. Never once crossed my mind that I would look anything like how I do at the moment. He structures a game plan according to what your goals are. You can still enjoy the foods you like in your diet but with moderation. If I had any questions I would shoot him a text and he would respond wether it’s a weekday or weekend so you’ll have access to his professional opinion any day of the week. Down over 80 lbs and put on some quality muscle excited for this new offseason and seeing how much more we can grow 💪” – Armando

  13. Isaiah

    This is a spotlight post of roughly a 2 month transformation with one of my lifestyle clients. We wanted to focus on building a structured routine and getting accustomed to structure of each day. This was all done without being overly restrictive! We managed to put on lean muscle mass while reducing overall body fat. Now this his body is used to smaller structured meals and the training stimulus we are giving it we will go into a growth phase next with this winter approaching. I’m looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish going forward! Get the most out of your time in the gym and optimize your day by having a structured routine for your goals!

  14. Jim

    This is a Client Spotlight post of one of my lifestyle clients 100+ lbs transformation! This was all accomplished through a few different diet schemes including a fat adaptive approach. This transformation was accomplished in a 18month time frame! More than just the weight loss, we managed to address many health concerns and get him off of some of the medications he was on due to them. 

    Starting weight 289 lbs 
    Current weight 181 lbs 
    Starting waistline 48inches 
    Current waistline 35 inches 
    Starting A1C – 8.4
    Current A1C- 5.6
    Starting heart rate – 83bpm
    Current heart rate – 64bpm

  15. Carter

    This is a 1 year lifestyle client transformation!

    All throughout high school Carter managed to stay active and played sports year round! After graduating, he was looking to get into lifting weights and wanted to make sure he could do it the right way! Through my guidance Carter managed to put on over 30 pounds in the course of a year through a structured nutrition and training program! He is a full-time student in college, so he needed to have a meal plan that could work around his busy schedule and have grab and go options with him not being home the majority of the day. Once we were able to develop a plan that he could stick to and one that he enjoyed , the weight started coming on. This is a perfect example of how the time is never right to get in shape! You can always come up with an excuse to say that you were too busy! By simply having a plan that accommodates to your life and your schedule, you can see results despite how busy you are! Carter is great with communicating his struggles with me, and that has led to his long-term success! He has discussed competing in a bodybuilding show in the future, and I have no doubt in my mind he will do great! 

  16. Contest Prep Tranformation

    This was a Contest Prep transformation of a client of mine for a bodybuilding show! We managed to prioritize maintaining lean muscle tissue while getting truly stage ready.

  17. Tanner

    “After doing no carbs and crash diets I decided it was time to find a maintainable way to stay fit and get off my rollercoaster… I never felt judged… he has always just helped me get back on track and to keep progressing towards my goals” -Tanner

  18. Armando

    May 2022 – Oct 2022 client spotlight.
    Super proud of my client Armando. His dedication was unmatched and it shows! He originally came to me wanting to lose weight and get in shape. His goal was to “see abs”. We made that happen with adherence to a program within 6 months. Now we shift to a growing phase to put on some more size. I’m looking forward to what the next year brings working with him.

  19. Jayla

    When jayla and I started working together she didn’t want to do a show prep she just wanted to look good and be healthy! She wasn’t the biggest eater and just wanted structure and accountability. We have been working together for a little over a month working on building up her metabolism and have increased food volume each check in. These calculated increases have caused her to start to get hungry for her next meal, make her body more efficient, and increase her metabolism. She is already looking tighter and feeling great! I’m looking forward to see what the future holds for her!

  20. Eric

    This isn’t your typical before and after transformation I normally post. This is my client and good friend Eric’s check in from just 1 week apart along his contest prep journey. I always tell my clients that the scale can be a very deceitful to all, and to not solely rely off what it says. As you can see in these two photos, his weight did not change greatly but visually he looks much leaner and tighter. Currently, Eric is doing an aggressive cut for his bodybuilding show coming up this year! I’m looking forward to see what we can bring as the final package before the show! The work ethic definitely shows and speaks for itself!

  21. Lifestyle Transformation

    This is a lifestyle client transformation from under 1 month of working together! Just because the weight on the scale didn’t move very much doesn’t mean the body composition didn’t change. As you can see in the after photo, she is visually leaner with more definition. We managed to make this change in just two check ins together, all the while keeping foods that she enjoyed in her diet and adjusting her training program to her needs specifically. My goal with my clients is to create a lifestyle opposed to a diet where they don’t feel restricted, and they enjoy their meals. By creating their program, that way, I have seen much better results with success and adherence, and it makes it much more enjoyable.

  22. Trey

    This is a transformation with one of my lifestyle college level athletes Trey initially came to me wanting to gain weight and put on size to be a better football player. Over the course of the last few months we have focused on slowly increasing food, addressing any digestion issues that he might have, and in addition to finding the best foods that fit with his body and his busy schedule. He managed to do this all while playing football and going to school at a high-level. During each check in we addressed any concerns that he might have had made the necessary adjustments. We always tried to keep the calories in a surplus to help him gain weight. With a proper weightlifting program and optimized diet Trey has managed to put on 20+ pounds while keeping a similar body composition.

  23. Prep Client

    This is a 8 week shred prep with my client doing men’s physique. Even though we did not have much time to learn his body and do a prep, he is a seasoned competitor, and knew what to expect. the visual changes especially in his core were night and day. with manipulating water and sodium correctly the night before the show we managed to bring a tight yet full package and his best look to date. We managed to bring this look by doing check-in‘s weekly and adjusting his training, stimulus and food accordingly to his body’s needs!

  24. Steve

    This is a 2 week summer shred check in transformation with my client. We are treating this as a show prep, even though there is no show in mind. Steve came to me wanting to get in shape and look is best for a vacation coming up. We are implementing weekly check ins and using a diet style called carb cycling to get results. The main goal of this was to prioritize maintaining muscle mass while reducing body fat. I’m looking forward to seeing what the end package will be for this summer shred transformation!

  25. Bulk Transformation

    This is a 6 month bulk transformation! This was accomplished all while working a full time job, having limited gym access and availability, and limited food sources. Over the course of the last six months, we prioritized keeping calories at the highest possible while keeping a good body composition. Massive strengths gains were accomplished through the increased food and adequate sleep! We focused on targeting specific lagging muscle groups and prioritizing increasing strength on compound movements. At the end of our six month bulk, he managed to put over 300 pounds total on all of his compound lifts combined. The pictures speak for themselves. The body weight difference is roughly 20lbs.

  26. Sara

    This is a spotlight of my client Sara! These 2 photos are under 3 months apart and the weight difference is from 193 lbs to 181lbs! Yes she has dropped weight, has become more functional, but most importantly we have started to optimize her gut health and digestion! There has been no crazy amounts of cardio implemented and recently we have utilized functional based training for her workouts! This helps her get the most out of her time in the gym! Our current goal is to improve mobility without taking away from her strength in the gym! She managed to accomplish this without a super restrictive diet and managed to still go on trips and enjoy her summer! Im looking forward seeing what we can accomplish going forward!

  27. Jonathan

    This is a 103 lbs weight loss transformation with my client Jonathan. I am beyond proud of this young man’s work ethic! He came to me over six months ago wanting to lose weight and be a bodybuilder. I was very realistic with a timeline with him and told him that the results would match the work that he puts in. This young man stuck to the program that we put together together with 100% adherence. I allowed him to have a weekly cheat meal to help him stay on track and for a mental reset. We never had him do excessive cardio or eliminate carbohydrates completely for his diet. We managed to accomplish this goal by doing weekly check, ins, and adjusting his macros in training according to the feedback that his body gave us. Jonathan is now one of our Flex Factory ambassadors and he has a very bright future ahead of him. Now that we have completed his goal of losing 100 pounds our plan is to slowly put on muscle mass. His dream is to get on a Bodybuilding stage one day, and I am confident with his work ethic that he will get there!

  28. Post Partum Transformation

    This right here is a side-by-side photo of one of my female clients past three check ins. She is currently one of my life style clients and her goal was to get healthy and help improve her overall look post pregnancy. We did this while gaining strength and endurance in the gym. We have managed to prioritize health, and I have given her a variety of different workouts to help with her busy schedule. In addition, nutrition, wise, we have developed a nutrient dense diet that doesn’t restrict her of foods that she enjoys. The results show in just a matter of a few check ins. I’m very pleased with the progress that we are seeing. I’m confident she will accomplish your goal in no time, and we will devise a plan for her next goal we work towards!

  29. Scott

    This is 3 Years of steady progress working with my client Scott. Scott has managed to compete in two body building shows and manage to gain a lot of tissue in his off seasons working with me. We have worked together and have implemented many different diet approaches, whether it be carb cycling or even a ketogenic approach, depending on what season he is in. Scott is a very hard worker and does all this while being a father and working a full-time job! I’m very proud of him and his work ethic. One thing that led to his success in muscle growth was following a program even in the off-season. Many times I see competitors fall off and not track food or train regularly in the off-season. The off-season is where improvements are made and should be treated just like a show prep would be. We have stuck to weekly check ins these last three years to maximize our progress and stay on track. I am looking forward to helping him prepare for his next bodybuilding show!

  30. Christopher

    This is a Summer Cut transformation for one of my lifestyle clients Christopher! Over the last couple of months we have been working together to shred down for summer and as I like to call it look “beach legal”. Christopher has managed to totally transform his physique while working a full-time job that is very labor intensive. When I created his program for him, I took into account the physical demands that his job requires and made sure to feed him correctly. Not only is he looking much leaner, he is stronger and most importantly in better health! The work isn’t done yet and I can’t wait to see the future brings for him!

  31. McKay

    This is a Summer Cut transformation for one of my lifestyle clients McKay! McKay and I have been working together these last 15 weeks to get his body ready for summer! We managed to drop 17 pounds while increasing his strength and all of his lifts these last 15 weeks. We were able to accomplish this through a carb cycling, approach to his diet and adjusting his macros at each check in. All of this was accomplished while he managed to work a full-time job and incorporate meals that were grab and go options with his busy schedule. We aren’t done with our cut yet! I can’t wait to see what our end look is this summer before we start a lean body recomp phase.

  32. Connor

    This is a 1.5 year transformation with my Client Connor! This is a 35lbs difference in weight gain! Most of this weight gained was lean muscle tissue! Over the course of the last year and a half we made sure to keep the fat gain to a minimal amount all while maximizing gaining muscle tissue and strength in the gym! Together we implemented mini cuts as needed throughout this bulk to help with digestion and ensure that blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity were in the ranges we wanted! I’m very proud of his progress and his communication with me allows me to make the proper adjustments to his nutrition and training program! I am looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish this year!

  33. Kim

    This is a 35lb weight loss transformation with my lifestyle client Kim. We have been working together this year on her body transformation journey. Kim has great work ethic and helps me coach her to the best of my ability giving detailed responses in her check ins and communicating with me what life stressors might be occurring. This helps me so we can figure out how to address them. Kim is not working out for a crazy amount of time or starving whatsoever! We wanted to have a long term sustainable approach with a weekly free meal to help mental adherence to the plan and to allow social activities to still be apart of her life! The work isn’t done yet but I am very pleased with how far she has come. Getting in shape has more than just physical benefits, but also tons of mental benefits too. You do not have to be miserable to loose weight, get healthy, and get in the best shape of your life.

  34. Garret

    These two photos are roughly two months apart and show what a proper diet and training regiment can do. He initially came to me wanting to do a bodybuilding show and prep for it with a good amount of time to put on tissue and bring his best package! During the prep he sustained an injury to a disc in his back, which required surgery. Despite the setback, we adjusted nutrition accordingly and made sure to prioritize recovery. He is nearly at 100% training capacity now and each week made sure to adjust his food and training accordingly to what his body allows. Very commonly, when someone sustains an injury it can become depressing and seem like a major setback. Garret managed to keep tunnel vision during his prep and did not allow that to set him back and continued to roll with the punches and communicate with me each week on how he was feeling and what he noticed.The body composition changed in the last two months has been sustainable despite injury. I’m confident that his best version is still to come!

  35. Tyler

    This is a Client Spotlight of my client Tyler. WE have been working together for a few months and managed to drop 25lbs together while gaining strength. Tyler came to me looking to help dial in his nutrition, get the most out of his workouts, and have guidance while being a full time student and working. He made sure to give me detailed feedback each check in on how he was feeling and we always found ways to get the most out of his workouts due to his limited time. We didn’t allow his busy schedule to impact making progress. Overall he now is stronger, has better mobility and. better understanding and relationship with food as we go into a bulk phase! You can have peace of mind with your nutrition goals by having a coach that can develop a game plan for you

  36. Alex

    This is a spotlight of my good friend and client Alex! Alex is an extremely active person that wanted to get the most out of his training. He currently is preparing for a triathlon this upcoming year! He wanted to drop some body fat while increasing his athletic performance. When he is not in triathlon prep mode he is wakeboarding or snowboarding so he needed to make sure he was fueling his body correctly to perform his best! We have found a diet scheme for him currently that fits his busy schedule all while fueling him to perform and recovery on his long run / swim days. Alex manages to stick to his diet and train all while running a business and having no set work hours! Since his hours are not consistent and he has to travel many days we have a variety of grab and go options he can utilize to fit his needed macros and stay on track!